Multitouch Drag Program Change

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Multitouch Drag Program Change

Method for program change (instrument, effects, MIDI, etc) for musical instruments, multifx and computer music based on a multitouch surface that detects wich fingers we drag and click. Sequences of drags up, right, down,left correspond to banks and programs.

Maintaining the thumb finger pressed while we drag and click with the rest of the fingers correspond to select banks and programs and without the thumb finger correspond to the programs of the bank

T Thumb Finger and numbers correspond to the fingers and arrows corrspond to the direction to drag the fingers

T+1 = Bank 1
T+2 = Bank 2
T+3 = Bank 3
T+4 = Bank 4

T+1↑ = Bank 5
T+2↑ = Bank 6
T+3↑ = Bank 7
T+4↑ = Bank 8

T+1→ = Bank 9
T+2→ = Bank 10
T+3→ = Bank 11
T+4→ = Bank 12

T+1↓ = Bank 13
T+2↓ = Bank 14
T+3↓ = Bank 15
T+4↓ = Bank 16

T+1← = Bank 17
T+2← = Bank 18
T+3← = Bank 19
T+4← = Bank 20